It was a 2 hours flight from KL to Bandung. Boring gak bila tak bawak Ipod, takkan nak tidur aje. Nasib baik ada in-flight magazine, bolehlah baca little bit info on Indonesia.
*Picture taken by Anna - as she's bored doing nothing too.
Weather pun nice..panas-panas dingin. Kelihatan para penumpang bergegas menuju imigresen, hmm.. mesti tak sabar nak shopping ni. All of us too...hehe!

After check-in at Mutiara Hotel, without further delay we all headed for makan. Apalagi Nasi Padang la.. This is one of Indonesia famous for.. and our first destination lepas makan is Rumah Mode, one of many factory outlets in Bandung. This place offers designers' good such as Calvin Klein, GAP, Guess, OshKosh B'Gosh and etc,etc..

It's spoilt for choices and no wonder people from Jakarta going to Bandung on weekend for shopping. Along the way, there are many other factory outlets (House of Donatello, Natural, Episode, Distro House and etc,etc..). Just prepare to bring out the money from your pocket..
We end our first day at Bandung's lastest mall - Paris Van Java at Jalan Sukajadi. Since our energy level pun dah tinggal beberapa percent aje, we just grabbed a donut and enjoying the view. The mall's interior is beautiful and relaxing..
Oh ya, actually we're travelling with 5 of our friends and her mom. Ain first time naik kapal terbang (not her mom..ya) but she handled it great.. Horray!! to Ain..

After check-in at Mutiara Hotel, without further delay we all headed for makan. Apalagi Nasi Padang la.. This is one of Indonesia famous for.. and our first destination lepas makan is Rumah Mode, one of many factory outlets in Bandung. This place offers designers' good such as Calvin Klein, GAP, Guess, OshKosh B'Gosh and etc,etc..

It's spoilt for choices and no wonder people from Jakarta going to Bandung on weekend for shopping. Along the way, there are many other factory outlets (House of Donatello, Natural, Episode, Distro House and etc,etc..). Just prepare to bring out the money from your pocket..
We end our first day at Bandung's lastest mall - Paris Van Java at Jalan Sukajadi. Since our energy level pun dah tinggal beberapa percent aje, we just grabbed a donut and enjoying the view. The mall's interior is beautiful and relaxing..
*stay tuned for our 2nd day in Bandung
hi, faizal dan anna..mmg sronok baca blog u all..scr x langsung a lot tips yg saya dpt...i and my frenz (5 org) nk p jakarta-bandung next week,first time for us, leh recommend tak for us to find budget hotel?kami dh kol most of hotel fully booked, so we think to walk in(nk yg murah tp x tau baper rate kat sane..maklum laa nk p soping..mlm tuk blik tidoo,hehe) tmpt mkn yg halal & sedap..tmpt soping..(rekomen) & public tranportation...can't wait for ur reply..tqvm
Hi Nora, maaf kalau lambat reply, tak sangka post yang lama ni masih ada orang baca. Kalau u guys belum pergi cuba lah hotel kat area Mangga Dua/Tanah Abang/Jalan Wahid Hasyim atau Jalan Jaksa.Ini semua di Jakarta, kalau di Bandung cuba di Jalan Chimpelas atau area stesen keretapi.
Tempat makan banyak yang halal dan sedap, such Simpang Raya Nasi Padang di Bandung atau Nasi Padang Garuda di Jakarta. Tak susah nak makan..
Kalau nak lebih details, latest blog kami masa Backpack Indonesia. It might help or you guys can get Jakarta guide book.
Have fun guys and Thank you.
hye bro faizal n sis anna..
mmg best sgt u guys!
byk tips sy dapat kat sini..
hurmm,nk tanya..akan ada msalah tak if saya and kawan pergi ke bandung bertiga jer? macam kena tipu or what.
and kami xde contact kat sane..
macam susah jewp..uhuhuhu..
any tips?
thnx yeah! ;)
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