Sunday morning. A day to be lazy or hangout on my favourite couch. Well, usually it's me, not my wife.. he..he. But this morning, my sister text me "Your artikel keluar kat Berita Minggu hari ni". Jeng..jeng..jeng!
Quickly i get off the couch.. told Anna.. start the engine.. go to the nearest newsstand, buy a copy and... Yippie!! Artikel kami disiar di Berita Minggu (23/11/08). Artikel ini kami tulis berdasarkan pengalaman kami semasa bercuti secara "backpacking" selama 3 minggu di Amerika Syarikat. Graceland dan Memphis adalah sebahagian dari destinasi backpacking kami. Our dream to share our travelling experience with others came thru this morning. Especially to Elvis fans and music lovers di Malaysia.
To read the full article, please click this link.
*Thanks to our friends, Malek (No.1 Elvis fan) & Nazmin (music lovers).
wah seronoknya dia bercuti2..ekin dpt SMS faizal pgi tu..pastu g off terus crik article tu..
omg!! im so jealous !
-elvis fan
nice article bro...
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