Lama jugak rasanya tak bercerita ni.. As for us, busy sikit dengan car boot sales.. If you guys have free time hujung minggu, bolehlah berkunjung ke Bazaar@Maeps, Mardi Serdang.
Anyway, H1N1 nampaknya belum reda lagi... ditambah lagi dengan kejadian bom di Jakarta, nampaknya makin terhad la tempat nak dilawati ni... Yes it is true.. places are disappearing. Since kitaorang dah plan this trip about 2-3 months ago, so we decided to go on with the plan and we pray to Allah hoping everything goes well for us.
At this moment, we are trying to take precautions by consuming lots of vitamins, healthy diet and maybe..maybe.. Influenza jap. You guys maybe wondering..where are we going? Okay, officially...we going to Australia for 2 weeks (12days). Budget this time so far:-
Flights Airasia KL-Gold Coast, Melbourne- KL RM1800(2 person)
Hostels Goldcoast, Sydney & Melbourne RM1100(2 person)
Trains from Goldcoast-Sydney-Melbourne RM1050(2 person)
Total so far: RM3950, jadinya seorang RM1975, ok tak?
Makan + shopping2 + jalan2 tak masuk lagi...tengah budgeting..he..he...

(*Salam Takziah buat keluarga pengarah filem, Yasmin Ahmad yang kembali ke rahmatullah... Al Fatihah).