Apa khabar semua, we guess the first thing in our readers/followers mind is "Mana pergi agaknya diaorang ni ya, dah lama tak update blog?".. Actually we’re still around cuma been keeping ourselves busy with things. (we'll sum-up the stories later ya…hehehe!). Kalau nak diikutan, boleh saja diupdate citer2 pendek (short notes) melalui facebook. Ntah, but I guess we prefer it to be a bit “old school” suka bercerita melalui tulisan or maybe dah terbiasa tulis karangan masa sekolah kot…hehehe!.
Ok, untuk memulakan cerita, actually my computer has been down since Ramadhan haritu. Bukan taknak repair tapi at the same time, our official car pulak meragam...Dugaan!. So, disebabkan malas untuk memikirkan masalah2 ni, I keep myelf busy with my small business in Amcorp Mall, PJ. Started a few months back, I'm selling new and used books, music (cd, cassette and soon, vinyl’s), movies (which is “old but gold” collections) and other stuffs. Open from 10.00am till 6.00pm every Sunday (insyaAllah, soon on Saturday too..), I operate my stall under my alter ego name “It’s Not Junk”..

So, whoever is looking out for me since my departure from “the glorious” Bazaar@Maeps in Serdang (apa dah jadi dengan tempat ni ya…?), can now come to Amcorp Mall Flea Market in PJ.
B,...cukup pasal kerja. After Anna's trip with her "girlfriends", right before Ramadhan Faizal and I made a short trip to Jakarta. Not for holiday (he..he..boleh percaya ke?) Trust me, this time around more; to find stuff for Faizal's stall and for me, apalagi shopping kain, blouses which has been sold out in 2 days..! Cayalah! Maybe sebabkan nak raya kot...

We took Lion Air this time because it was the cheapest plus 20kg included. We stayed at this new hotel, MaxOne which is located in Sabang, Jalan Agus Salim. Actually not that far from our favourite hotel, Ibis Arcadia. It's very modern and creatively designed. Since I'm a kind of working with creative things, I really appreciate this kind of hotel.

Macam biasalah,semua kedai-kedai CD Faizal masuk..including Gramedia (famous bookstore in Jakarta). We spent 4days3nights just to find stuff and sampaikan makan pun tak ingat lah...This time around we challenged ourselves with street food and suprisingly, We Survived! Cuma pastikan we drink from can or bottled drink.
Now, I have new favourite place;Tanah Abang, tak boleh cerita lebih2, kena pergi baru syok! Bak kata kereta MyVi lah "Lagi Best". Seperkara lagi yang membuatkan Faizal "excited" semasa disana ialah peluang untuk menonton kesinambungan terbaharu filem "Catatan Harian Si Boy". He's been following all 5 part of "Catatan Si Boy" movie installment (starring Ongky Alexander, Didi Petet, Meriam Bellina, Paramitha Rusady & Sophia Latjuba) dari zaman sekolah lagi. Masa tu sewa video tape (VHS)...hehe!. Btw, really love the ending of the new movie...

Alhamdulillah sepanjang Ramadhan kami seisi keluarga semua sihat...cuma di kawasan perumahan kami; kita lebih banyak berbuka puasa di surau...yang mana I think it's good because this is the only time for you to get closer with neighbours and friends. We take our turns to provide food for Iftar. I hope they'll do it again next year...Looking forward...InsyaAllah...
As for Syawal, ...which we are still celebrating (tulah...orang kita...memang juara beraya, nasib baik Syawal tu sebulan kalau 2 bulan, memang pecah perut..Open house tak berhenti) We celebrated Raya kat Rawang then 3rd raya kat Teluk Batik. We had family gathering known as Family Day...I always enjoy having this Family Day, you know why? Because my late mum's family is very big, in order to go to each and every house memang tak cukup sebulan. Jadinya my uncle had this idea to gather all of us during Syawal we meet, we eat, we play, we bagi duit raya...all there! Selain menjimatkan masa, kos dan lain-lain, we can meet all our relatives in one go...Memang best!

Last week, we had Open House at our place; memang ramai and I am very thankful that friends, neighbours and family members came and spent their precious time with us! Especially my 2 aunts from UK. Thank you very much indeed, Aunty Maton and Chik Ain!

As I am writing this today, I would like to wish all Malaysians including us, Happy Belated Merdeka and Happy Malaysia Day!
wahhh.. meriah.
meh aku cakap sikit -
Dunia cyber kurang meriah tanpa posting2 blog korang.
Lawaklah lu Deaf... Tersipu2 kitaorg dibuatnya..hehe!
Anyway, thanks for the compliment.
stuff2 korang memang best & rare & reasonable price he5..
korangnyer stuff rare2..harga pon reasonale..bak kata tok abah "terbaikk!!!!"
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