Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslimin and Muslimat. Mohon maaf zahir dan batin andai ada tersinggung kata sepanjang kami mula mem'blogging'. Dah agak lama juga tak update this blog.. well, busy for Hari Raya preparation & open house.
So, we start this month's blog with some of the pictures that we didn't manage to upload before Hari Raya. These were taken around Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman and Jalan Masjid India during last week of Ramadhan.

There were still people going out for their last minute shopping. Why? cos bargain hunting normally starts around this time and sometimes it continue until Malam Raya.
At Sogo Department Store, one of the famous shopping mall in Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, people queueing as early as 9am to get in. What so special about this mall? Everyone has their own opinion but we guess you should venture this 10th floor mall yourself. Cos even if is not festive season, Sogo still packed with customers. Hmm.. wonder why?

*Also a nice spot for "lepak-lepak" after shopping, picture taking or doing nothing.
*Buying for berbuka puasa.

*The bargain hunting goes on..
Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman is a popular spot for "kain ela", tudung, baju kurung, butik pengantin, kedai buku and also gadgets like camera and handphone. Places like Harrison (textile), Gulati's (textile), Bunga Riben (wedding), Pustaka Minerva (bookstore), Medan Mara (tailors) and Maju Junction (camera goods), to name afew.. go jalan-jalan along this street, more shops and variety awaits you.

Bazar Ramadhan di Jalan Masjid India pun dipenuhi orangramai yang go for their last minute shopping. Kerepek & kuih memang fast selling item specially towards end of Ramadhan. Nak habiskan stok? Maybe.. tapi kalau beli banyak dapat diskaun, why not...hehehe. Our favourite kerepek and kuih during raya ni tentulah Kerepek Pisang Tanduk & Kuih Dahlia. Lagi sedap kalau ada kopi secawan...

Juga terdapat pelbagai barangan lain yang dijual seperti hiasan ketupat, butang baju melayu, songkok, beg tangan dan aksesori. But for us yang paling menarik sekali di bazar ramadhan ini ialah melihat gelagat para peniaga using their skills and creativity to promote their sales.

*Berminat untuk ke Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman dan Jalan Masjid India, anda boleh menaiki public transport seperti RapidKL bas dan lrt. (LRT berhenti di stesen Masjid Jamek dan Bandaraya) atau Metro Bus.

On my way home, tiba-tiba teringat this raya song titled "Raya" by actor/comedian Jalil Hamid. Jarang sekali stesen-stesen radio Era baru Yang Panas put this song on their playlist... Why?
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