November? Wow!..cepat betul rasanya time flies. Lagi dua bulan kita akan menyambut tahun baru 2012. So, dah tercapai ke "target" anda untuk resolusi 2011? Hehehe… insyaallah, ada rezeki umur panjang mana yang tak sempat tu kita sambung untuk resolusi tahun hadapan pulak ya...
Well, tahun ini sebenarnya kami agak kerap juga traveling. Cuma ia lebih berkaitan kerja and less backpacking. Anna is busy with her job and classes. (expanding her knowledge on baking and membuat kuih tradisional) while Faizal pulak busy with his “It’s Not Junk” stall, flea market, garage sale and “mencari barang” ala-ala American Pickers and Storage Wars.
Btw, Faizal has finally surrendered himself to Facebook and opened an account under his name "Faizal Mahmood". (yeahhh..! ). He also opened an account for his “It’s Not Junk” business on FB pages.. (search: It’s Not Junk) and jangan lupa to click “Like” ya..hehehe!

So, if sesiapa yg ada barang2 seperti cd, kaset, vinyl, buku or other collectibles yg feel like nak buang or malas nak semakkan ruang stor dan rumah..can give him a call or sms, maybe ada benda yang might interest him.

Oh! Speaking of collectibles, Anna just add another Simpsons stuff in her collectibles list. This time is “The Simpsons Homer Cruzer Collections by Santa Cruz Skate”. It is 1 out of 4 design collections by Santa Cruz Skate. Apa yang paling menariknya, belum beberapa hari dalam simpanan dah ada buyer yang offer to buy this Cruzer from her… Sorry, not at this moment ya… Well..macam nilah kalau dah Passion is a Fashion.
Insyaallah, this weekend we'll be going out for a road trip. Where to? Tunggu on our next post ya...hehe!
Van Halen Balance tu memang best of the best. Champion abis nye cd, so tak mau jual. haha.
ok dah klik "like"...heheh..
Thanks Berteromber...
Deaf, mmg album Van Hagar yg terbaik. Version utk dijual ada display dlm my FB page "It's Not Junk". selamat melayan...
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